Trend Alert: Customized Denim

Source: WeHeartIt

One trend hasn't left yet and another one is passing by while another one is coming up. Trends are passing by so quickly it's almost impossible to get a hold on all of them. Recently I realized something new is coming up: using patches and other things to customize denim. Jeans, jackets, coats, tops, basically any denim can be transformed by it. Now I was wondering: do you like this trend or not? Still in doubt? Hit the read more button to see how these fashionable people wore it.

Both: WeHeartIt

Left: WeHeartIt Right: Tumblr
 What do you think of patched denim? Yay or nay? Tell us in the comments!

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Hm niet helemaal mijn ding maar weet wel zeker dat dit een hit gaat worden..

  2. I've done some embroidery on one of my denim vests and I absolutely love how it turned out...I do think that styling and customizing denim is a great idea!!!!!!!!

  3. I love denim and here is a pretty examples and ideas for customize :) at least for me I will keep this <3

  4. I love this post! Thank you!


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