10 Reasons To Give

Source: WeHeartIt
Even though we can not wait to receive our Christmas presents, the true spirit is not about getting Christmas presents. For me, Christmas is mainly giving back. To my family, friends, but also to unknown people in need, or people who do not have the luck to live in such a good environment. Recently I donated some food to charity to be packed into a food package for the poor people who can not afford to have an amazing Christmas dinner. I really wanted to write this article, even though it is not specifically fashion related. I hope you enjoy this article!

#1 You will make someone else happy!
#2 You will make yourself happy!
#3 You will help someone in need!
#4 You give someone the opportunity to have an amazing Christmas as well!
#5 You have enough to live a healthy and good life.
#6 You might buy yourself a bar of chocolate, or someone else a smile.
#7 Who knows.. maybe you will meet some new charity friends!
#8 You create a better world.
#9 You are appreciated very much by others.
#10 Think as if you would need to worry each day to feed yourself.

Now, what are you waiting for? Bake a nice apple pie for your grandma, give a few dollars to a homeless person, volunteer for a day at some kind of charity or donate food. It does not have to be big. If each of us gives a little, we will create a world of happiness.

-xx Anna

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat een mooi artikel! Ik hou er ook van om cadeautjes weg te geven!

  2. You are such a down to earth and inspirational person! I love reading your blog <3 My blog is: rufflesandberries.blogspot.com


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