Delicious and Healthy Smoothie Recipe

My summer holiday is almost starting, just a few more tests and I'm there! Of course we need a delicious and healthy smoothie recipe for this kick as summer! And honestly, who doesn't like to start off their summer with a healthy lifestyle? We girls don't want to lose the body immediately after working out so hard to get there. No problemo, I'm going to help you! I will post a few delicious and healthy food/snack/drink ideas for this summer! Starting with this strawberry smoothie! Let me know if you are going to try this out in the comments because I would love to know! XOXO Anna

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Oeeeh lijkt me lekker! Ik vind gezonde dingen zoals dit vaak nog lekkerder dan een reep chocolade. Ga het snel uitproberen!

  2. Oeh, ik ben dol op smoothies! Toevallig heb ik er laatst ook een paar gemaakt :D . Deze zien er heerlijk uit! Jummie, onwijs leuk artikel <3 .

    Xjes Femke


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