I'm on Polished!

Polished is a YouTube show direct my Ingrid Nilsen from Missglamorazzi and presented by Amanda Steele from the YouTube channel MakeupByMandy24. I always watch their videos so I was so excited to see Amanda talk about my outfit on camera! At 2:55 minutes the section OOTW begins. I am in the second outfit and after the third outfit they will show me again because I won! I was literally so happy when I saw this! Yesterday two persons commented on my Instagram that I won and I was totally forgotten that I entered so I was like, what? What did I win? But then I realized I added the OOTW hashtag of Polished underneath so I immediately checked it out and I saw myself! So weird hehe. XOXO Anna

1 opmerking:

Your comments make me happy, thank you so much!